Project researcher Michaela Valentová
Project duration: October 2008 – September 2011
Project web-site:
Financed by Intelligent Energy Europe, European Commission
More options for energy efficient mobility through Car-Sharing
The key objective of momo is to contribute significantly to sustainable mobility patterns by establishing a mobility culture which is based on using various transport options instead of car ownership. Car-Sharing has a great but mostly unexploited potential on the European scale. Being a kind of decentralised car-rental service, Car-Sharing supplements the sustainable transport modes of walking, cycling and Public Transport – thus giving an alternative to car-ownership without any restriction for individual mobility. With Car-Sharing as a market-based service, transport can be organised more rationally and more resource-efficient.
The European momo project wants to increase awareness, to improve the service of Car-Sharing and to increase the energy-efficiency within the existing Car-Sharing operations. The momo consortium is composed of municipalities, Car-Sharing operators, research organisations, energy agencies and the International Public Transport Organisation UITP. Eight European countries are directly represented by the momo partners, but momo wishes to gain interest and awareness all over Europe.
momo has the ambitious target to extend Car-Sharing services on the European scale by 20,000 new Car-Sharing customers – with significant impacts on transport patterns, energy consumption, CO2-emissions and on reallocation of urban space through the recplacement of private cars.
momo will disseminate its experiences and will make recommendations on how to establish, develop and integrate eco-efficient Car-Sharing into urban development and with Public Transport services.
Intelligent Energy - Europe is a part of the EU's Competitiveness and
Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) |